I am so grateful that I have been nominated by
Sarah for the Sunshine Award! The award goes to bloggers who are "
positive and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere". I am very happy that I have inspired some of my readers, that's amazing!
Here are the rules:
Share 11 facts about yourself, answer the 11 questions set by your nominating blogger, nominate 11 bloggers yourself, post 11 questions for your nominees and let them know that you've nominated them!
11 facts about me!
1- I am a Creative Media Production Student.
2- I have way over 100 nail polishes in my possession.
3- I have already thought of which University courses I would like to do, and I'm now choosing my college options.
4- I am applying to do Graphics, Classic Civilisation, Media and English Literature A levels.
5- I am going to Clothes Show LIVE in a months time!
6- I really want a pug but my mum is allergic to long haired animals.
7- When I was younger, I used to want to be a Marine Biologist.
8- My favourite makeup brands are Sleek and Rimmel.
9- My most favourite nail polish ever is Hedonist by Models Own.
10- I am a crazed fan of Example and I have seen him twice...and cried both times like a 4 year old.
11- I love going to gigs, I have seen Example (like I just said haha!), Enter Shikari, Blue, Pigeon Detectives, Gabrielle Aplin and I'm seeing Peace and Drenge next month!
Questions asked by Sarah:
Name three things you can't live without: My iPhone, my sister-like friend Jess, and any nail polish!
What's the best piece of advice you've recieved?: To not put too much pressure on myself.
What would your last meal be?: Crispy shredded beef and egg fried rice, or Chicken Carbonara.
What are your favourite types of Blog posts to read?: Reviews and Editorials.
Why did you start blogging?: Because I want a future in Fashion Journalism and I enjoy writing.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?: New Zealand! Because I've always wanted to go there due to my continuous stalking of Nayders07 on youtube! The scenery seems so beautiful there, and who doesn't love the accent?
What's the best present you've ever recieved?: Clothes Show tickets! Or my iPhone of course.
Describe yourself in three words: Bubbly, talkative and clumsy.
What has been your favourite holiday?: Last year when I went to Spain with the school! I wish I could relive every day of that week all over again.
If you could live in any other time in history, when would it be?: 1960's so I could see The Beatles.
I nominate:
My 11 Questions are:
1- What is your favourite song at the moment?
2- Do you go to a lot of gigs?
3- Do you prefer Topshop or River Island?
4- Where is your favourite holiday destination and why?
5- What colour is your bedroom (in the least creepy way)?
6- Where is the most interesting place you've ever been?
7- If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
8- What is a beauty product that you couldn't live without?
9- Do you have a mad obsession?
10- To-may-to or To-mah-to?
11- What are/did you studying?
Make sure to comment your responses so I can check them out!
Hannah x